European Conference on Literacy 2022
22nd European Conference on Literacy, Dublin, July 4-6, 2022
The the 22nd European Conference on Literacy, which is being jointly organised by the Federation of European Literacy Associations and The Literacy Association of Ireland, takes place in Dublin, Ireland from July 4-6, 2022.
The conference theme, “Literacy and Diversity: New Directions” will bring together researchers and educators from all over Europe and further afield to celebrate, discuss, debate and examine matters relating to literacy, literacy teaching and literacy research, across the full span of human learning. The aim of the conference is to encourage discourse about the evolution of diverse literacies in the 21st century and to hear a range of voices in the world of literacy.
The conference theme will have a number of subthemes, including:
Literacy in the early years
Effective literacy instruction
Digital literacies
Literacy environments
Inclusive practices in literacy for diverse learners
Lifelong development of literacy skills.
The conference venue is the Institute of Education, Dublin City University (St Patrick’s Campus, Drumcondra), where a warm welcome will be extended to presenters, delegates and attendees. The 22nd European Conference on Literacy in 2022 will be the third such event to be held in Ireland. The 4th European Conference on Literacy was held in Dublin in 1985, while the 12th was held here in 2001.
As you will be aware The Literacy Association of Ireland has a long tradition in promoting discourses in diverse disciplines associated with literacy, with contributions from experts from Ireland and overseas.
Purchase conference tickets here
Already, a number of keynote speakers have agreed to present at the Conference. These include:
Director of Research, Jean-Francois Rouet, Université de Poitiers, France
Professor Anne Burke, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada;
A panel of Irish literacy educators, including:
Dr Tara Concannon-Gibney, Dublin City University
Dr Eithne Kennedy, Dublin City University
Dr Gene Mehigan, Marino Institute of Education, Dublin
Dr Brian Murphy, University College Cork
The Literacy Association of Ireland is supported in organising the Conference by a Conference Subcommittee. Members include Gerry Shiel (Chair), Máirín Wilson, Regina Dunne, Eithne Kennedy, Gene Mehigan, Finian O’Shea, Jennifer O’Sullivan and Niamh Watkins.
The LAI looks forward to welcoming you to the 22nd European Conference on Literacy in Dublin in July 2022.
Queries to: euroliteracy2022@gmail.com