The Literacy Association of Ireland invites graduate students from Education, Special Education, Psychology and related disciplines to apply for LAI’s 9th biennial award for an outstanding Master’s thesis.
Award: LAI Medal & €500
This award is open to those who have submitted OR who plan to submit a Master’s thesis in the area of literacy between: 1st September, 2020 and 30th June, 2022. Applications may include: Master’s by Research only or Master’s with minor thesis (12,000 words minimum to 20,000 words maximum).
Research must have been conducted in Ireland (Republic/N.I).
Shortlisting will take place (according to criteria below) and finalists will make a short presentation (15-20 mins) of their research at the Literacy Association of Ireland Symposium to be held on November 12th, 2022 at Marino Institute of Education.
Applicants must submit the following by September 19th 2022 using the form here:
Author’s name, contact details and thesis title
Attach two PDF copies of a 3,000-word summary of the thesis. One of the PDFs must be blinded (PDF should not include any identifying details: e.g. your name/supervisor/institution; ensure the title of the thesis summary is on the first page). The second PDF should include title, author name and academic institution
Attach a note from the Supervisor of the thesis supporting the submission
Note that you must use a Google/Gmail account to access the form to upload your submission. If you encounter difficulties with this form or if you do not have a Google/Gmail account, please email membership@literacyireland.com for assistance.
Thesis summaries will be evaluated by an independent external panel convened by the Literacy Association of Ireland according to criteria which will include:
(a) relevance and significance of the research question(s);
(b) Quality of theoretical/conceptual rationale;
(c) Appropriateness of research design;
(d) Significance of the research findings/contribution to the field;
(e) Clarity of writing and organisation of summary
(f) Breadth of references.
In addition, the communicative clarity of the presentation at the conference will be considered. Shortlisted finalists will be notified by October 17th. Shortlisted finalists will present their research at the symposium. If two or more theses are deemed by the judges to be of equal quality, the award may be shared. The winner(s) will be presented with the award(s) at the end of the LAI conference.
Applicants must be current members of LAI
Join LAI: www.literacyireland.com